About us

Alphabet Yard is situated in Ayr town centre.  We have 4 rooms:

  • Ladybird Room for children 6 weeks – 18 months
  • Butterfly Room for children 18 months – 3 years
  • Bumblebee Room for children 3 – 5 years (This is on our upper floor with different learning experiences over 2 rooms)



Our staff are committed to providing the highest standards of professional childcare and education.  Before beginning employment, all staff are thoroughly vetted in accordance with Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland Requirements (SCSWIS).

Alphabet Yard is committed to providing training and development for all staff including: SVQ 2, 3 and 4 in Early Years Care and Education, First Aid, Child Protection, Food Hygiene, Health and Safety and Child Development.

Continued Professional Development (CPD) is also available to all staff through our South Ayrshire Council partnership,  as well as in-house and online training  which covers all aspects of the Curriculum Framework (3 – 5 Years) and Pre-Birth to Three: Supporting our Youngest Children.

Photographs of the nursery staff are situated in the entrance hall

Partnership with Parents and Carers

You, as parents/carers are the prime educators of your child in their earliest years therefore we welcome and encourage parent’s involvement in the nursery.  We have an ‘open door’ policy in place therefore a member of staff is always available to listen to your comments and suggestions.

Effective communication between parents and nursery staff is important to provide the best possible care for your child.  We would appreciate if you could inform nursery staff of any circumstances, either temporary or permanent which may affect your child’s emotional or physical well being to ensure your child receives additional support if necessary.  A member of staff will be available to speak to you on a daily basis to discuss your child’s progress and answer any questions you may have.

You will be kept informed of nursery events and activities through our notice board in the entrance hall, newsletters and via our website.  On your child’s online learning journal you will also find information on the day’s activities, snacks and lunches, sleeps and nappy changing.


All information regarding your child/family will be kept in the strictest confidence in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Care Inspectorate

Alphabet Yard is registered with the Scottish Care Inspectorate who are the registration and inspection body for all pre-school centres in Scotland.  The nursery is inspected regularly  (usually unannounced) to ensure the high standards of childcare and education laid down in the National Care Standards are being met. Alphabet Yard’s inspection reports are available on the Care Inspectorate website to view.


Policies and Procedures

Alphabet Yard has an extensive number of policies, procedures and risk assessments in place including: Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Child Protection, Partnership with Parents, Allergy Procedure, Prevention of Infection, Additional Needs Policy.  All our policies and procedures are displayed in the hallway for your information or you can request copies from the Nursery Manager.



There is a safe and secure play area to the front of the nursery.  We are continually developing our outdoor area to make this a stimulating outdoor classroom for all ages of children.
Children are taken on walks in our local environment each day (weather permitting).  Children can enjoy, the beach, river walks, visiting the library and local shops (for educational purposes).
Our 3 – 5 year olds also have the opportunity to take part in Beach School each week – see our Beach School page.

Our Values

Alphabet Yard adds quality to daily life through the delivery of exceptional pre & ante pre-school care and education. At Alphabet Yard, we aim to provide the highest standards, based on best practice and we are committed to continuous improvement through the development of our staff and ensuring that our nursery is a safe and stimulating learning environment. Our staff are recruited for their commitment to, enthusiasm and caring for and educating young children, whilst providing a service, which is second to none

Curriculum for Excellence

The purposes of the Curriculum for Excellence is that children should become:

  • successful learners
  • confident individuals
  • responsible citizens
  • effective contributors/div>

Children learn through play and are involved in their own learning. Staff consult with children about their interests and from this set up areas and activities for children to choose from. All resources are accessible to the children.

Education Guidelines

We follow recommended national guidance from the Pre-Birth to Three, Curriculum for Excellence, National Care Standards, Building The Ambition and How Good is our early learning and childcare to inform on our planning for children as individuals. For further information on these documents please visit the websites by following the links below: